What To Ask Before Buying A Wireless Home Security Alarm System

Do you want really good protection for your family and home?

Then don’t commit your money, or sign a contact, with any home security alarm company without checking them out thoroughly first.

These days, most people do at least a little research before buying a system, but often the focus is on price – things like the cost of system installation and recurring alarm monitoring fees.

While that may be a good place to start, it only tells a part of the story. To determine if a home security alarm company is right for your home, you need to dig a little deeper.

To help you, here are some things to consider when evaluating home security companies. Think of it as your company-vetting checklist.

What Do You Want to Accomplish?

Different companies may have different approaches even though the objective is to protect your home. A security camera surveillance installer, for example, addresses home security differently than a home alarm system company. Some offer only wireless systems and home security equipment capabilities can vary widely.

Ask yourself what you care about. Do you want to protect your yard and outdoor property, your home only, or both? Do you want to integrate home security with home automation functions? Do you need special alarm system reporting features, or remote viewing and control?

Know your priorities and objectives.

Are the Security Company’s Goals In Line With Yours?

Fear-inducing stories and low prices may boost sales, but a company’s approach with you should focus on its proposed solution, not only on price or the size of the crime problem.

If all you hear is talk about price and true crime horror stories, and you don’t hear detailed talk about how they are actually protecting you, then how can you get the home protection that you really need?

Check the company’s website to learn it’s goals, how it plans to accomplish them and its recommendations from its current and past clients. What you want to see is an organization involved in its’ industry and community, one that promotes best practices and safe communities.

If the company you are researching doesn’t post such information on its website, don’t hesitate to call and ask for it. Any good company would be happy to discuss their industry and community involvement with you on the phone.

What Are Other Companies Doing?

Put a company’s work into greater perspective by researching what other security companies are providing in your area.

Everyone knows the largest national company advertising on TV, but that’s really only the tip of the iceberg. Smaller and less visible companies do great work and often provide better protection and better value.

Those companies involved in industry trade associations fill a vital role. Their involvement indicates a commitment to ethical best practices and on-going learning in an ever-changing world.

To learn what companies operate in your community, use an online search engine or review a site like Yelp.

What Are Others Saying?

The home security industry is multi-faceted and ever changing. Getting the opinions of others can greatly improve your understanding about your options and help you pinpoint the most effective home security company for you.

Ask your neighbors, friends and trusted associates.  They can share their own personal experiences and opinions about what organizations or security products/services are particularly strong.

Take a look at review websites like Yelp and Angie’s List. Don’t place too much weight on any one review. Rather, read them all so you get a good overall feel about what others think of the company.

Contact your local Better Business Bureau for information. Search a company’s name online to learn of lawsuits or negative customer service or alarm system performance issues.

Many states have licensing requirements for home alarm companies. Make sure the company you are considering has a current license in good standing with the community and state in which you live.

Is the Company Stable?

A company’s finances can shed light on an organization’s health and capacity.

In a tough economy like we’ve been facing in the U.S., many security companies have gone out of business, leaving their customers scrambling for security alternatives. The cost-of-entry into the home security industry is low, meaning it’s easier for some to decide to open a company today and close it tomorrow.

Ask a company about its finances. They should be bringing in enough revenue to exceed expenses. You want a company that is profitable, financially healthy, and with a leadership team committed to serving you.

What Are Your Instincts Telling You to Do?

While analysis is useful, it’s not entirely perfect. If you feel a home security company is right for you, it may be wise to go with your gut.

Sometimes it can be tough to evaluate if a company is truly right to protect your home, especially in the context of a complex, individual issue like security.

You are never going to know everything. Ultimately, selecting a home security company is a judgment call, just like buying your home or picking a place to eat. Make a decision and act on it.

My Alarm Center offers the best wireless home security system and protects homes, families and people just like you throughout the United States. Call us toll-free at 855-334-6562 for more information or request a quote here.